Latest Updates¶
A document that contains all the changes made to the standard.
2.1.3 August 15, 2024¶
- Updated homepage to answer some of the frequency questions asked about Open 3P.
- Updated descriptions for Material Purpose controlled list.
- Updated description for Recycled Content Evidence Type controlled list.
2.1.2 August 09, 2024¶
- Updated licence
2.1.1 August 07, 2024¶
- Added Open 3P logo
- Added author into meta data
- Updated site name
- Updated repository name and url
July 11, 2024¶
- Added cork-cork explanation to data flow
- Added milk bottle example to data flow
May 08, 2024¶
Data fields¶
- Changed recyclability source in recyclability claims to mandatory
- Changed complete packaging end Of life route in complete packaging end of life routes to mandatory
- Changed recycled content evidence type in recycled content evidence type to mandatory
- Changed component disruptors in component end of life routes to optional
- Changed materialCombinationIdentifier to componentCombinationIdentifier in Component Constituents
- Changed wording for weight tolerance in components
- Changed multipack constitutents introduction text
- Changed load identifiers to from catalogue to constituents in description
- Changed load combination identifier description in load consitutents
- Removed load_constituents joins in the erds for base materials and materials
April 30, 2024¶
- Moved identicalQuantity from Multipacks to Multipack Constituents
Data fields¶
- Changed following fields within load from mandatory to optional
- startDate
- endDate
- destinationAddressStreet
- destinationAddressCountry
- destinationPostalCode
- timesSent
- Changed description on baseMaterial type
- Updated homepage up more cards and relevant icons
- Removed excel workbook download
- Removed data templates:
- Base Materials
- Materials
- Components
- Complete Packaging
- Multipacks
- Loads
- Material Constituents
- Component Constituents
- Complete Packaging Constituents
- Multipack Constituents
- Added data flow examples:
- Loads
- Material Constituents
- Component Constituents
- Complete Packaging Constituents
- Multipack Constituents
- Load Constituent
- Added XML examples:
- Base Materials
- Materials
- Components
- Complete Packaging
- Multipacks
- Loads
- Material Constituents
- Component Constituents
- Complete Packaging Constituents
- Multipack Constituents
- Load Constituent
- Improved ERDs
- Moved glossary from start here to it’s own folder
- Removed entries from glossary that did not directly link to Open 3P.
- Tweaked description for weight
- Components
- Complete Packaging
January 31, 2024¶
- Updated JSON examples to match data flow page. This includes:
- Base materials
- Materials
- Components
- Complete Packages
- Multipacks
- Added data flow charts to help with visualising the flow of the different schema through the standard. This includes:
- Base materials
- Materials
- Components
- Complete Packages
- Multipacks
January 29, 2024¶
- Changed the wording from required to mandatory. Changed the wording recommended to optional. Added asterisk to diagram to signify mandatory. This includes:
- Complete Packaging
- Multipack
- Load
- Material Constituents
- Component Constituents
- Complete Packaging Constituents
- Multipack Constituents
- Certificate Claims
- Recyclability Claims
- Component End of Life Routes
- Complete Packaging End of Life Routes
- Recycled Content Claims
- Organisation
- Load Constituents
January 26, 2024¶
- Base Materials, changed required to mandatory. Changed recommended to optional. Added asterisk to diagram
- Materials, changed required to mandatory. Changed recommended to optional. Added asterisk to diagram
- Components, changed required to mandatory. Changed recommended to optional. Added asterisk to diagram
- Tweaked the README to be more relative for users accessing the GitHub repo
- Create Core Schema definition page and added to the side bar
Data Fields¶
changed from mandatory to optional
January 5, 2024¶
- Fixed typo in sidebar to Governance
- Added FAQ to base materials page
- Remove definitions from Key Concepts
- Create Glossary page
- Improved Data Flow page
Data fields¶
- Renamed baseMaterialName to name
- Renamed baseMaterialType to type
- Renamed materialName to name
November 30, 2023¶
- Changed ALL date related fields to ISO 8601 standard, changed the format to
- Updated ALL JSON dates to read as
- Changed appropriate identifier fields to UUID from string
- Changed Boolean values in JSON examples to
rather than"TRUE"
- Change manufactedCountry format to string, and improved description to indicate that the numeric value should be used from ISO 3166
- Changed Numeric format to either Decimal or Integer
- Materials
- areaDensity -> Decimal
- areaDensityTolerance -> Decimal
- Components
- height -> Decimal
- width -> Decimal
- depth -> Decimal
- volume -> Decimal
- weight -> Decimal
- weightTolerance -> Decimal
- recycledContent -> Decimal
- Complete Packaging
- height -> Decimal
- width -> Decimal
- depth -> Decimal
- volume -> Decimal
- weight -> Decimal
- weightTolerance -> Decimal
- servingCapacity -> Integer
- Multipacks
- identicalQuantity -> Integer
- Loads
- timesSent -> Integer
- Material Constituents
- virginMaterial -> Decimal
- layer -> Integer
- materialPercentage -> Decimal
- Component End of Life Routes
- orderOfPrecedence -> Integer
- Complete Packaging End of Life Routes
- orderOfPrecedence -> Integer
- Load Constituent
- quantityInLoad -> Integer
- Materials
November 23, 2023¶
- Reworked data diagrams to show the constituents lists as the edges between the tables
- Updated data diagrams to remove obsolete
November 17, 2023¶
Data fields¶
- Added
to Materials core schema
October 12, 2023¶
- Added Organisations relationships list
- Removed Load Catalogue
- Added Load Consitutuents relationship list
Data fields¶
- Added manufacturers to all core schemas
- Added manufacturing country to complete packaging, multipack and load
- Removed componentContactWithProduct from Complete Packaging
- Added contactWithProduct to Complete Packaging Constituents
- Updated homepage for v2.1
September 29, 2023¶
- Reworked data formats page to include various worked examples
September 22, 2023¶
- Added blank Excel workbook to supporting files page
- Added blank csvs for all core schema and all relationship lists to supporting files page and each schema page
September 7, 2023¶
- Added example for Recycled Content Claims
- Added example for Recyclability Claims
- Added example for Certification Claims
- Added example for Components
- Added example for Complete Packaging End of Life
- Added example for Complete Packaging
August 11, 2023¶
- Added licence page so that users don’t need to navigate to Github
- Improved homepage text regarding licencing
- Improved sidebar navigation
- Added licence to the footer
- Added Relationship list, UUID and Single Source of Truth to Key Concepts page
- Improved reability of Start Here Introduction
- Fixed comestics typo to cosmetics in products types
- Added product type descriptions
- Various other typos
Data Fields¶
- Harmonised all boolean field descriptions so that they all stated “Answer as: ‘TRUE’ for yes and ‘FALSE’ for no.”
July 14, 2023¶
- Removed catalogue from the introduction area
- Improved working about packaging levels
- Reworked introduction
- Improved key concepts page
- Updated data flow
- Improved Complete Packaging End of Life Route Relationship List
- Added Controlled List information page
- Improved the Goverance Page
- Improved the branding to fit with the Open 3P brand guidelines
July 5, 2023¶
- Removed banner detailing that the standard is about plastic packaging.
- Added Apache Licence to homepage
July 4, 2023¶
Documents, Model, Data Fields¶
- Moved to verion 2.0. Read the release notes on Github.
March 17, 2023¶
- General improvements
March 10, 2023¶
- Added versioning control so that there can be parrellell versions
- Updated Identifiers page to include information regarding UUID
March 9, 2023¶
- Variours changes to files for added function for versioning
February 7, 2023¶
- Changed component catologue to components
- Added additional examples
- Updated all data schema to based on changes
Data Fields¶
- Changed tags to external identifiers
February 3, 2023¶
- Changed materials catologue to base materials
- Added country to base materials
- Added examples to base materials
January 20, 2023¶
- Added schema images to all Data Specification pages
- Added JSON example to all Data Specification pages
- Added CSV examples
- Added CSV templates
Data Fields¶
- Fixed Complete Packaging Recycling Disruptor List
January 06, 2023¶
- Neaten up tables so that the status column doesn’t go over multiple lines.
- Updated schema image.
- Fixed naming for material and material catalogue pages.
- Added favicon.
December 20, 2022¶
- separate out materials and material catalogue -> move to the front of the process
Data Fields¶
- Component Catalogue: add identifier to link materials
November 25, 2022¶
- Add definitions of recycling and reuse
- Bug fixes, typos and tweaks throughout
Data Fields¶
- Component Catalogue:
added due to updated epr - Component Catalogue:
added due to epr - Multipack:
removed because encoded with tier level
Controlled Lists¶
- add none option to drs
November 18, 2022¶
- Complete Packaging: reformat component catalogue references by replacing
with - Component Catalogue: created
as boolean andcomponentLink
for addressing which components are attached when created. - Upload Schema
November 11, 2022¶
- Component Catalogue: Update measurement guidelines.
- Complete Packaging: Update measurement guidelines.
October 21, 2022¶
- Complete Packaging:
turned into required field - representing the updated EPR
Controlled Lists¶
- Completed Definitions for
- Completed Definitions for
- Completed Definitions for
- Removed tertiary and replaced with ‘shipment’ and ‘transit’ to reflect updated EPR for
September 30, 2022¶
- Fix typo in Key Concepts, Multipack
- For measurements: Add rounding rule.
- Change volume measurement to millilitres
- For measurements: clarify why component measurements are slightly different to GS1’s complete packaging measurement guidance.
Data Fields¶
- Complete Packaging: Added
to the complete packaging
September 26, 2022¶
Structural/Model Changes¶
- Controlled list material function -> material purpose
Data Fields¶
- Component Catalgoue: Moved
from component catalogue to load catalogue - Component Catalgoue: Removed
codes the same information - Component Catalogue:
description updated - Recycled Content as the minimum allowable recycled content - Component Catalogue: Added
- definition to be updated. - Component Catalogue Materials:
description updated - virigin material as the maximum allowable created for the component - Load: add the field
to link to the load catalogue
September 9, 2022¶
Data Fields¶
- required fields updated
- All:
changed toupdate
- All:
added - All:
changed todiscontinue
- Component Catalogue Materials: added
- Component Catalgoue: added
- Multipack:
Structural/Model Changes¶
- Added downloadable csv files to Supporting Files
September 5, 2022¶
Structural/Model Changes¶
- Data Flow created
- Introduction changed to
Start Here
;Key Concepts
moved intoStart Here
and files updated to reflect these changes
Data Fields¶
- required fields updated (still in process)
September 2, 2022¶
Structural/Model Changes¶
- Removal of Unique Components (fields moved to Component Catalogue or Complete Packaging)
- Addition of Load Catalogue: load split into load and load catalogue
Data Fields¶
- Component Catalgoue:
split intoshape
- Component Catalogue: Addition of
, andmanufacturedCountry
from unique components - Component Catalogue Materials:
turned intomaterialPurpose
- Complete Packaging: Addition of
coverted fromdirectContactWithProduct
from unique components - All:
converted into a dictionary;height
, andweight
converted into numeric