Data Schema¶
Within the Open 3P standard there are two features that are equally important and the use of these features is a key component to correctly implamenting the standard.
The first is our core schemas. These are at functional backbone of the standard. This is where the majority of the data is held. These are shown below as the rectangles.
The second is our relationships. These define the relationships between these core schemas. These are shown below as the lines.
BASE_MATERIALS }o--o{ MATERIALS : material_constituents
MATERIALS }o--o{ COMPONENTS : component_constituents
COMPONENTS }o--o{ COMPLETE_PACKAGING : complete_packaging_constituents
COMPLETE_PACKAGING }o..o{ MULTIPACK : multipack_constituents
COMPONENTS }o..o{ MULTIPACK : multipack_constituents
COMPLETE_PACKAGING }o..o{ LOADS : load_constituents
MULTIPACK }o..o{ LOADS : load_constituents
COMPONENTS }o..o{ LOADS : load_constituents